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Symptoms of Heart Disease In Women And How To Overcome It | Articlehealth

Heart disease or the medical world is known by the name of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) is a condition where there are problems in your heart. The condition where your blood vessels so clogged blood pumped by the heart can not flow through the entire body. When blood is not managed automatically channeled oxygen carried can not be distributed to the muscles, brain, and other vital parts.

In general, we know that the typical symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain in the left suddenly radiating to the left arm. However, typical symptoms are more common in men. In women, the symptoms of a heart attack can be very not typical that is not easily detected and often overlooked.
Heart attack symptoms are not typical for this woman is indeed difficult to interpret. To that end, women need to be careful so that no one recognized the symptoms that occur in them as gastrointestinal disorders or a common cold.


There are currently considering a large number of people with heart disease and also those who died from heart disease, many medical research studies conducted to determine the early symptoms of heart disease. Knowing the symptoms of heart disease early on will help provide the most appropriate medical attention so as to minimize the number of people who die from heart disease. Unfortunately, despite the initial symptoms have been felt by most patients with heart disease, patients often ignore these symptoms and do not seek medical attention immediately. Because of that, many people with heart disease should lead to death due to not getting medical treatment accurately and quickly.

The high number of people with heart disease in men causes women often ignore the symptoms of heart disease from which they suffer. Not only that, the symptoms of heart disease in women are also often led to the symptoms of other diseases, so many women who misidentified disease them and did not immediately seek medical attention. So what are the symptoms of heart disease in women? Here are some of the symptoms of heart disease in women:

- Shortness of Breath Taste
Feeling of suffocation is the most common symptom of heart disease. Almost all patients with heart disease usually have symptoms of shortness of breath. Unfortunately, many women or people suffering from heart disease and experiencing shortness of breath shortness of breath thinking that they felt was the usual respiratory symptoms and not the symptoms of heart disease.
Shortness of breath in people with heart disease appear because the heart can not pump blood optimally so that the flow of blood that carries oxygen can not reach the lungs optimally, resulting in symptoms of shortness of breath. In addition to the lungs, oxygen is most likely also not be able to reach other organs in the body optimally. This condition can get worse if not treated properly.

- A cold sweat
Patients with heart disease will also likely experience a cold sweat. The cold sweat appeared when on the move or even when not doing any activity. Usually, cold sweat appeared on the palms. Cold sweat will get worse when people with heart disease is under stress. Unfortunately, the symptoms of cold sweat are often misidentified. Symptoms of cold sweat on the palms similar to the symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia. That's why many women who often ignore this condition.

- Body Quick Feels So Tired
Symptoms of heart disease in women next is the body easily tired. Nearly 70% of women who had heart disease had this experience. Generally, women who experience the first symptoms will experience fatigue in the chest and then the fatigue will spread to all parts of the body. Fatigue is likely caused by blood supply and oxygen are uninterrupted throughout the body. Organs that lack of oxygen supply will automatically work impaired.

- Feels Chest Pain
Pain in the chest is a common symptom of heart disease. Generally, symptoms of heart disease such as chest pains felt in the left chest. However, chest pain felt by patients with heart disease in women was not only felt on the left. Some people with heart disease in women may experience symptoms of chest pain left. However, pain in the chest that also can be felt across the chest.
Chest pain usually feels like a heavy weight pressure occurs for a few minutes and then disappear or intermittent. In addition to pain or pain on the left side across the chest, women who suffer from heart disease was also able to feel symptoms such as chest pain right. That's why many women are not aware that he had suffered from heart disease. Most of them thought that the symptoms of the disease are a symptom of another disease.

- Other Body Feels Pain
If the general state of heart disease characterized by chest pain, women will experience pain in other parts, namely: the arms, neck, jaw and back. Pain in the section does not occur in men, so many women are unaware of the dangers behind the pain. This pain is a condition that is not common so, for example, you suddenly experience pain in the arms, neck, jaw and back without a definite cause or sometimes woke up suddenly because of the pain, you need to be aware of it as one of the symptoms of heart disease. Immediately consult your doctor to find out what really happened.

- Head Often Feels Dizzy
A headache or head feels dizzy. In addition to dizziness, other symptoms that might follow is blacked out, a sense of drift, as well as sleep disorders. Headache condition is likely to occur as a result of the heart is not working normally causes the blood supply to the brain is reduced, this condition causes the automatic supply of oxygen and glucose to the brainless. If the condition lasts longer be so patient will pass out because the supply of oxygen to the brain is not properly fulfilled. Patients may also experience sleep disturbances due to these conditions.

- Decreased Appetite
Abdominal pain and nausea experienced by women who suffer from heart disease will also cause decreased appetite drastically. This condition will gradually worsen the condition of the patient and also lead to weight loss.

- Some Body Part There Swelling
Heart disease is not treated immediately will cause the sufferer's body to swell. This condition will occur when the cardiovascular disease has caused complications such as disturbances in the kidneys. Impaired renal will result in the screening process of the body's fluids. If that happens, there will be a buildup of fluid in the body so that the body will swell with heart disease.


How to Prevent Heart Disease
For anyone of you who have not had heart disease, preventive action is the most appropriate steps to avoid heart disease itself. As some precautions you can do is as follows.

- Set Diet
One of the factors behind heart disease is the wrong diet. To prevent this disease, you can start by applying proper diet. Avoid foods with high-fat content, such as red meat, offal, or fried. Foods with a high fat content can cause buildup or plaque on blood vessel walls, causing blockage and eventually cause heart disease.
The setting is the most appropriate diet is to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Both these foods are rich in fiber and effectively prevents clogging of blood vessels. You can also consume fish. Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are good for heart health. Do not forget to process food in a healthy way, such as with boiled or steamed. Avoid processing food by frying or burned.

- Clean Teeth Regularly
Gum disease has been linked to hardening of the arteries and heart attacks. The bacteria that cause tooth decay is estimated to trigger inflammation, which has been linked to heart disease.
Experts recommend brushing your teeth regularly and clean with dental floss (when there is food stuck between your teeth). Dental floss also breaks the sticky biofilm mass trapping bacteria).

- Avoid smoking - Do not Smoke
Smoking is proven as one of the trigger factors for heart disease. Moreover, smoking also can lead to cancer and stroke. The nicotine content in cigarettes is a toxin that triggers atherosclerosis, the clogging of the arteries and leads to heart disease. Smoking is a bad habit that could kill you.

- Routine Eat Yoghurt
According to a study from the Griffith Health Institute and the School of Medicine in Australia, a daily dose of "good bacteria" or probiotics from yogurt can help lower blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure. One theory says that the 'good' bacteria fight the inflammatory process associated with heart disease.

- Remain Stable Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is the biggest factor for heart disease. Keeping blood pressure remained stable is the most effective solution for preventing high blood pressure and heart disease. Prevent high blood pressure can do to avoid foods that contain lots of salt and fat, regular exercise, avoiding alcohol, and also taking anti-hypertensive drugs.

- Avoid Eating Pill
Consumption of birth control pills that also can lead to heart disease. If you want to avoid heart disease, use of other contraceptives. Consult a gynecologist for the use of contraceptives that are most appropriate for your condition.

- Wheat Porridge
Wheat contains beta-glucan fiber that can lower bad cholesterol causes heart disease. This forms a thick gel like paste that binds cholesterol in the intestine and prevents absorption into the bloodstream. According to dietician Dr. Sarah Schenker, only 3 grams of beta-glucan per day (the equivalent of an average-sized bowl of porridge) can lower cholesterol by 5 to 10 percent.

- Green tea
Both green tea and black have good benefits for preventing heart disease. In a study of 17 studies noted that consuming three cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of heart attack up to 11 percent. But tea consumption should be within reasonable limits and not excessive. Usually, the cup used to drink teacup size is very small.

- Consumption of nuts
Consuming nuts you can make a way to prevent heart disease naturally easy and effective. In a study mentioned that folate contained in nuts if consumed regularly can reduce the risk of stroke by 20 percent and the risk of heart disease by 13 percent.

- Do not Delay Urinating
A study of people with early heart disease in Taiwan showed that the bladder is too full can cause your heart beats faster and puts unnecessary pressure on the coronary arteries, triggering them to contract.

- Sit Never Too Old
Research suggests it sit for 8 hours a day increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes by 40 percent. "Try not to sit for more than 4 hours, try at all times to stand," said John Buckley, a professor of applied sports science at Chester University. "Max sat two hours, interspersed withstand 30 minutes."

- Fish Consumption
There are many ways to process the fish into a delicious meal, that is why there is no reason for you not like fish. In a study published in 2002 by the Journal of the American Medical Association says that women who ate fish every week had a risk of dying from heart disease or had a smaller risk of dying from heart disease less than those who eat fish only once a month. In fact, in another study mentioned that eating fish is consistently and regularly can reduce the risk of irregular heartbeat and atrial fibrillation which became one of the causes of sudden death.

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Thus Sakir Some Symptoms of Heart in women may be useful for you and wish you a healthy always with your loved ones as well as those around you thanks.


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